Empathetic Design SystemsИнструменты
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How do you make a design system empathetic and whom should it be empathetic towards? At COMPANY_A, we decided to replace our outdated style guide with a newfangled design system that we started from scratch. And we made a great start.
But we forgot about accessibility, and our fellow coworkers and peers. Our engineers shouldered slow development times and new technologies, designs changed often, and variants were hard to implement. And we forgot about our users. Much of the design system was geared towards engineers.
So what did we learn in our first iteration? How did empathy help shape our ever-changing, morphing design system? Come learn how to build an empathetic design system!
Другие доклады секции Инструменты
Андрей Роенко
Дизайн-система Tinkoff.ru
Никита Прилепский
Lint yourself
Дмитрий Кунин
Качество кода
Иван Ботанов
Лучше день потерять
Алексей Охрименко
Закэшируй это
Всеволод Шмыров
Мастер-класс "Типизируй этo"
Александр Шушунов
EPAM Systems