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Мнение ПК

Мартин Сплитт отвечает за DevRel в Google и регулярно ездит по миру с великолепными докладами про современные тренды в вебе. Но и в карантин он не отчаивается и выйдет с нами в прямой эфир из Цюриха.

Фото докладчика

Martin Splitt


Core Web Vitals — what are they and why do they matter? (En)


In this session we will take a closer look at web page performance and how the new Core Web Vitals fit in the picture, what they are and why you should pay attention to them.


Martin Splitt


Martin is a developer advocate on the Webmaster Trends Analyst team at Google Switzerland.
In this role, he helps developers and content creators to build great content on the web.
He is involved with the W3C as well as the global web and JavaScript developer community, working to keep the web open.

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