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Breaking the norm with creative CSSНовинки

Доклад принят в программу конференции
Aga Naplocha
Adobe / The Awwwesomes

Aga Naplocha is a coding designer with a strong focus on UX-related issues, currently working at Adobe in Warsaw, Poland.
She’s the co-founder of The Awwwesomes (http://theawwwesomes.org) – a non-profit organization teaching how to create awwwesome things on the Web, organizing coding (HTML&CSS) workshops in Poland. She likes travelling, taking pictures and posting them on The Awwwesomes' instagram http://instagram.com/theawwwesomes (yes, it is her addiction!) She loves dark chocolate, pink color and Wes Anderson's movies.


Feeling uninspired and tired of constantly building the same layouts? Let’s leverage the CSS superpowers you might have heard about before, but haven’t already used. Let’s explore new CSS features that give us a great set of tools and enable to do amazing things on the web! The future of web graphics and CSS as a design language is bright, and finally it will make us less dependent on the image editors. We’re entering the new era with in-browser designing. Don’t stay behind and get some fresh air of creativity directly in the web browser.

Фронтенд / другое
CSS фреймворки

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