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Прирожденный оратор и великолепный эксперт Виталий Фридман обладает широким кругозором в web-разработке и в этот раз подробно расскажет о разработке форм, который стали уже неотъемлемой частью веба.
Getting Web Forms Right: From Checkboxes To Dropdowns
Nobody wakes up in the morning hoping to finally create a new account that day. Web forms don’t have a decent reputation, and rightfully so. Very often they are inaccessible and difficult to use, with awkward live validation and notorious error messages; not to mention painful dropdowns like a country selector, a birthday date-picker starting from 2020, a tiny newsletter checkbox, a disabled copy-paste for email verification, disabled “submit” buttons and horrendously evil CAPTCHAs in the disguise of street signs and crosswalks.
Whenever a customer will interact with the interface, it will happen via some sort of a web form. In this session, we’ll learn common pain points that customers experience way too frequently, how to solve them, and how to create an interface that excels at getting the information from the customer in a way that’s friendly, accessible and obvious — helping conversion and business KPIs along the way.
Keep in mind: you won’t be able to unsee the things you’ll see in this session. You’ll leave with a toolbox of practical techniques that you’ll be able to apply to your work right away. And potentially some tips for saving money on airfare, too!
Подписка на новости
Хотите быть в курсе? Для получения анонсов о новых конференциях, полезных материалах и вдохновения — подписывайтесь на нас!
Нажимая на кнопку «Подписаться», вы соглашаетесь с Политикой обработки персональных данных
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Money Button
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Frontend Security 2020: о чем вы хотели бы забыть, но не можете
Using DevTools to understand modern CSS layouts
Core Web Vitals — what are they and why do they matter?
Designing Adaptive Components (beyond responsive breakpoints)
Accessibility-flavored React components make your design system delicious!
Icon. Оверинжиниринг или необходимость?
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